The above documents are reviewed annually and each Councillor signs a declaration adhering to these statements.
Neighbourhood Development Plan
North Hill Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan 2010 - 2030
Equalities Policy
North Hill Parish Council’s intention is to be an effective Equalities organisation. This means it will do everything in its power to ensure that everyone has equal access, and is treated with respect, in relation to employment opportunities, to its services and to all its activities.
Cemetery Policy
North Hill Parish Council would like, as far as possible, to ensure the safety of visitors and safeguard the character of the cemetery so far as the upkeep and appearance is concerned. For this reason regulations are in place to manage this cemetery in the best interests of all involved.
ICCM Certificate
North Hill Parish Council is now a member of the Institute of Cemeteries and Crematorium Management and has received this certificate.
North Hill Parish Council Standing Orders
North Hill Parish Council Standing Orders
Financial Regulations Policy 2024
These financial regulations govern the conduct of financial management by North Hill parish council
Data Protection Certificate
North Hill Parish Council has received this certificate issued by the Information Commissioners Office.
Health & Safety Policy
This is the Health and Safety Policy Statement of North Hill Parish Council: Our statement of general policy is based upon the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
Grants Policy
North Hill Parish Council makes grants to organisations working for the benefit of the community in accordance with resources available to it.
North Hill Parish Council Financial Risk Assessment
North Hill Parish Council Financial Risk Assessment
Asset Register
Asset Register
North Hill Parish Council Code of Conduct
North Hill Parish Council Code of Conduct