Parish Councillors required
04 February 2025

NHPC has vacancies for two new Parish Councillors.

If you are interested you can either enter elections to be held in May 2025 or you can be co-opted in beforehand. 

Either way please contact the Clerk and be prepared to attend the next meeting in Monday 3 March at 1930.

A30 Plusha Junction safety concerns and notice of road closure
05 December 2024

Documents related to ongoing discussions on this issue can be downloaded below.

  • 2000 Consultation document
  • A30 Route based strategy 2015-2050 dated Jan 2018
  • Letter from Scott Mann MP dated Apr 2021
  • Cornish & Devon Post article Jan 2022
  • 2015 Design consultation document
  • Highways England planning response May 2021
  • Briefing notes for motion proposed by Cllr Parsons Jan 2025

Planning Applications
04 December 2024

Planning Application Comments

up to week commencing 2nd December 2024.

Planning Applications:

PA24/08898 Location: Land South East Of Drogeada Close Drogeada Close Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LU Proposal: Prior notification of agricultural or forestry development for new fodder and machinery store Applicant: Ms Beth Wonnacott

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council agreed that there were concerns with regards to the engineering works already taking place and the potential environmental impact of any run off / drainage / flooding from the associated works at the bottom gateway of Lanoy junction.

PA24/08862 Location: Tregood Farm Bodmin Road Congdons Shop Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PN Proposal: Prior approval for change of use of two agricultural buildings to two dwelling houses Applicant: Mr Mervyn Stephens

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council are aware that they do not need to be consulted with regards to this application however wanted to share that they would support the application.

PA24/08792 Location: Potok House North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PQ Proposal: Proposed roof alterations/extension, removal of existing chimney, replacement doors and windows, Air Source Heat Pump, and PV solar panels. Applicant: Mr Mohammad Ismet Jahmeerbacus

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Chairman confirmed that a site meeting had taken place on the 29th November 2024 and it was agreed the application was for modernisation of the property and which would benefit from updating. There was no objection to the application.

PA24/08416 Location: Trebartha Barton North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PD Proposal: Construction of a new agricultural livestock building, creation of a new agricultural access and removal of an outdated livestock building. Applicant: Mr Robert Latham

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council completed a site visit and then discussed the application in the monthly meeting held on the 2nd December 2024. It was agreed that there was no objection to the application and it was in need of modernisation.

PA24/08082 Location: The Agricultural Barn Hallicombe Farm Bathpool Launceston PL15 7NP Proposal: Prior Approval for the proposed change of use of an agricultural barn to a single dwellinghouse and operational development. Applicant: Mrs V Fitzgerald

North Hill Parish Council has not submitted a consultee comment as this is permitted development under Section Q.

PA24/07455 Location: East Lawn Cottage Newtown Road Congdons Shop Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LS Proposal: Two-storey extension on the site of an existing dwelling. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Stacey

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : It was agreed by North Hill Parish Council that a site visit was not required as the proposed extension could be observed from the road. The application was discussed in the meeting held on the 8th October 2024 where it was agreed that there was no objection, the meeting felt the application would enhance the current building. All were in favour with one Councillor abstaining.

PA24/06655 Location: Rayford Lodge Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NW Proposal: Re-roofing, adding two dormers to the North West elevation, a Juliet balcony/window to the North East elevations and converting the garage to a study Applicant: Mr & Mrs J Coleman

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : A site meeting took place on the 10th September. Of those Councillors present, it was proposed and seconded with all in favour that North Hill Parish Council had no objections.

PA24/06180 Location: Tolcarne Tolcarne Road North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7QX Proposal: Listed building consent to recover north west roof pitch and adjacent lean to roof. Vertically slate chimney. Applicant: Trebartha Estate Limited

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council agreed this was remedial work, it was proposed, seconded and agreed with all in favour that there was no objection.

PA24/06142 Location: St Torneys Church Lynher Way North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PQ Proposal: Listed Building Consent for reinstatement of lime plaster on the internal walls of the south porch. Applicant: Ms Meriel O'Dowd Conservation Project Manager (West) The Churches Conservation Trust

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council discussed this application at their monthly meeting held on the 2nd September 2024. It was agreed with all in favour that the work had to be done and there were no objections.

PA24/05961 Location: Land At Coad's Green Coad's Green Launceston Proposal: New farm shop and car park. Applicant: Mr Glyn Le Marchant

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : First comment dated 24 August 2024 A site meeting took place on the 19th August 2024. All present Councillors did not see any problems and felt it would be a potential asset to Coads Green.

Second comment dated 03 September 2024 North Hill Parish Council discussed the application in further detail at the monthly meeting held on the 2nd September 2024. Having previously submitted comments to state that they felt it would be an asset to Coads Green, this was dependent upon receiving measurements for the building which have not been received to date. The application does not give dimensions for the height or floor plan which would be required in order for the Parish Council to make an informed decision. Consequently North Hill Parish Council would like further information in order to fully comment on the application.

PA24/05278 Location: Penhallow Chapel Lane North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PQ Proposal: Demolition of existing wooden carport and replacement with single-storey extension, construction of a single-storey extension to the side and rear of the dwelling, installation of solar panels and other associated works. Applicant: Mr Shane Carroll

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council completed a site visit on the 1st October 2024. It was agreed that there were no objections, all present were in favour and felt the application would improve the property.

PA24/04724 Location: Meadowside Illand Road Congdons Shop Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LS Proposal: Modification of occupancy condition of application number 2002/0063 (erection of bungalow) to include additional parishes beyond those adjoining North Hill to include Stoke Climsland and South Petherwin without compliance with condition 1 in respect of decision E1/2005/0007 dated 18.02.2005. Applicant: Mr Kevin Parsons

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council were not in agreement with the application and felt that local need remains a priority therefore the bungalow should be kept as local need for the three local areas.

PA24/04200 Location: Lynhays Mill Lane Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NW Proposal:Extension and re-modelling to include disabled adaptations and provision for roof mounted solar panels. Applicant: Mrs Helen McLeod

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council viewed the site and agreed they had no objections to the application.

PA24/02533 Location: Land South Of Blacksmiths Meadow (Formerly Plots 18 And 19) Penhole Road Coads Green Launceston PL15 7FF Proposal: Proposed erection of a detached dwelling house and garage. Applicant: Mr Chris Gubbin

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The principle for the development had already been set in the location therefore North Hill Parish Council continued to have no objection.

PA24/02009 Location: Land East Of Moorview Coad Green Launceston PL15 7LY Proposal: Application for Non-Material Amendment to PA21/10932 for Proposed residential development of four dwelling houses with garages/car parking, namely 1) Alteration to window of Plot 1. 2) Alteration of internal layout of Plot 1. Applicant: Mr Scobie Bradley

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : No objections

PA24/01921 Location: Tolcarne Barn Tolcarne Trebartha Estate Launceston Lewannick PL15 7QX Proposal: Formation of swimming pond. Applicant: Mrs Pippa French

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council visited the site on the 29th April 2024. Following this visit it was agreed that there was no objection to the application.

PA24/01333 Location: Land Adj Illand Nursery Newtown Road Congdons Shop Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LS Proposal: Outline application for the construction of dwelling with access reserved. Applicant: Mr Adrian Parsons

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : A brief discussion was held and it was agreed that the application was in keeping with the surrounding character and the existing entrance was being used. Therefore North Hill Parish Council had no objection, proposed 1st Cllr R. Hudson and 2nd Cllr R. Randall with all Councillors in favour. Cllr B. Ruby abstained.

PA24/00688 Location: The Bull Pen Tolcarne Road North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PE Proposal: Non-material amendment to decision PA21/06576 dated 27.01.2022 for alterations to internal layout, fenestration and roof design. Introduction of solar panels and change of materials to NW gable of approved carport.. Applicant: Mr Andrew Robson

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Following a site meeting on the 15th February 2024 North Hill Parish Council have no objection in principle provided the change of materials to the NW gable remains of a similar material to the current Delabole slate which is to be reused where possible as detailed in the original planning application PA21/06576.

PA23/09440 Location: Barn East Of West Lawn Newtown Road Congdons Shop Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LS Proposal: Demolition of barn, construction of a single dwelling and change of use of land to residential (following extant Class Q approval PA23/01996). Applicant: Mr Adrian Parsons

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council completed a site visit on the above application on the 4th December 2023. It was proposed and seconded that there was no objection to this application.

PA23/09194 Location: Lane End North Hill Launceston PL15 7NT Proposal: Renewal of permission for the siting of a mobile home without complying with condition 1 of decision 94/1949 dated 14th November 1994. Applicant: Mrs Lilian Budge

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council discussed this application at their meeting held on the 4th December 2023 and agreed to support the application with all members in favour. North Hill Parish Council support the application confirming that the site has had the benefit of residential use for over 40 years now, and is considered to provide a valuable contribution to housing delivery in the Parish.

PA23/08033 Location: Sorrento Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: Non material amendment in relation to Decision Notice PA23/04460 dated 11/08/2023 namely propose a pitched tiled roof to the garage conversion instead of a flat roof. Locate utility door to side of garage instead of the rear. Applicant: Mr Simon Sobczak

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council have no objections to the application.

PA23/06822 Location: Land Adjacent to Landreyne Barn Penhole Road Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LZ Proposal: Outline application for the construction of 1 dwelling including access (all other matters reserved). Applicant: Mr Keith Jones

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council have no objections to the application.

PA23/06505 Location: Tolcarne Barn Tolcarne Trebartha Estate Launceston Lewannick PL15 7QX Proposal: Demolition of blockwork stable building and construction of timber frame, cedar clad domestic annex with sedum roof and triple glazing. Annex to include single bedroom, shower room and open living space with kitchen. Applicant: Mrs Pippa French

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council have no objection to the application and think the proposal would be an upgrade on the existing building. They would support the application.

PA23/06282 Location: Moor View Barn Coads Green Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: Change of use of a run down agricultural stone barn to a three bedroom domestic dwelling. Applicant: Mr Mike Bendell

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Following a site visit on the 18th September 2023 North Hill Parish Council voted all in favour of the application.

PA23/06025 Location: Mill Lane Cottage Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NW Proposal: Change of use of ancillary annex into short-term seasonal holiday let. Applicant: Mr Peter Haywood

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council have no objections to the application.

PA23/04512 Location: St Torneys Church Lynher Way North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PQ Proposal: Listed Building Consent: Reinstatement of lime plaster on the internal walls of the north and south aisles. Applicant: Meriel O'Dowd Conservation Projects Manager (West)

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Councillors are happy to support this application as this is felt it is well needed to keep the Church in good order.

PA23/04356 Location: Trezebrah Launceston Road Slipperhill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7QJ Proposal: Side and rear extension with new detached double garage and associated external works. Applicants: Mr & Mrs Luke Shaw

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : A site visit was carried out on Monday 26th June with 7 Councillors attending. Planning Application discussed with Applicant with Parish Councillors attending a Extraordinary meeting at the Village Hall.Councillors are happy to support this development as this would improve the family home to accommodate the growing family, therefore, a vote was taken with all Councillors in favour of supporting.

PA23/03963 Location: Land North Of Moorview Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: New vehicular access to serve offices as well as residential development of 4 houses approved under PA21/10932 Applicant: Mr Bradley Scoble

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : A site visit was carried out on Monday 26th June with 7 Councillors attending. Planning Application discussed with Applicant with Parish Councillors attending a Extraordinary meeting at the Village Hall.Councillors wish to make the following comment:Councillors accept the necessary need for a garden but it is felt the land surrounding the property can be arranged by using the current entrance.The current entrance to the site is already satisfactory with plenty of visibility up and down the road, this is a well established entrance and has been used for Commercial and residential vehicles for many years without incident.Therefore, a vote was taken:6 Councillors voted against the proposed application,1 Councillor voted for the application.

PA23/03530 Location: Kingbeare House North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NT Proposal: Proposed sheep shed. Applicant: Corinne Dennis

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Councillors have discussed this application and a vote was taken: All Councillors are in favour of supporting this application.

PA23/02686 Location: Sorrento Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: Erection of new 4 bedroom detached dwelling with detached garage and home office. Applicants: Mr & Mrs S Parker

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors discussed this application at a Full Parish Council meeting held on Monday 15th May 2023. The Councillors hold no objections to this development and therefore, 8 Councillors voted to support this application with one Councillor abstaining.

PA23/01787 Location: Land North East Of Trebartha Barton North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PD Proposal: Reserved Matters application following Outline approval PA21/03951 dated 1st September 2021 for a single agricultural workers dwelling (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) Applicants: Mr M Greet (Savills)

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : A site meeting was held on Tuesday 28th March, 6 Councillors attended to view and discuss the application, a vote was taken with 5 Councillors in favour of supporting proposed 1st Cllr R Randall 2nd Cllr M Stephens. 1 Councillor objected. Therefore the Parish Council of North Hill support this planning application.

PA23/00832 Location: Tuckers Garage Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: Reserved Matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline consent PA20/04468 dated 19.10.21. Applicants: Mr Bloomfield

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council discussed this application at the meeting held on the 4th January 2024 and agreed that they had no objection to the application which they hope will be an upgrade on the appearance of the landscape.

PA23/00011 Location: Land North Of Trewithey Farm North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NH Proposal: Proposed dwelling for agricultural worker Applicants: Mr & Mrs I Pridham

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Councillors MB, RR, MS, SS and CW attended a site meeting on 21st January and met with the owner. Councillors reviewed and discussed this application and wish to make the following comments:1. Councillors support in principle, however, the proposed Agricultural Worker dwelling is located too far up the field (Green Field Site) and would recommend the dwelling is brought down closer towards the yard.2 The Councillors wish the proposed development to have Agricultural Ties. Councillors voted on the above recommendations Proposed 1st Cllr C Walters 2nd Cllr R Randall with all Councillors in favour of the above statement.

PA22/11324 Location: Land North Of Lanoy Farm Lanoy Road Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LU Proposal: Change of use of rural building to dwellinghouse, together with associated works on land. Applicants: Mr W.G. Rowe

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council hold no objections to this proposed application.

PA22/11222 Location: 1 Blacksmiths Meadow Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7FF Proposal: Proposal to build an attached garage to the side of the property. Applicants: Mr Mark Sanders

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council made a site visit on Saturday 21st January and met with the owners of the Property. Councillors MB, RR, SS, MS, and CW reviewed and discussed this application and hold no objections to the development.Proposed to support the Planning application Cllr R Randall 2nd Cllr M Stephens with all Councillors in favour.

PA22/09989 Location: Land North Of Langston Villa Langston Hill Coads Green Launceston Cornwall Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of new dwelling with associated amenity Applicants: Mr & Mrs Every

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council hold no objections to this proposed application.

PA22/09840 Location: Lower Newtown Farm Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LT Proposal: Construction of a building to be used as a feed store Applicant: Mr Andrew Dinnis

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council hold no objections to this proposed application.

PA22/07500 Location: Epworth House B3257 Between Tremollett Road And Junction North East Of Clampit Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: Erection of an outbuilding to house a self-supported small swimming pool, with WC and shower facilities Applicant: Mr Carleton Mayer

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Parish Councillors Randall, Sandercock, Daniells and Budge conducted a site visit on Monday 5th September 2022. All Councillors are happy to support this application with Cllr S Sandercock proposing, Councillor Daniells seconding. All Councillors are in favour.

PA22/07358 Location: Tolcarne Barns Tolcarne Trebartha Estate Lewannick Launceston PL15 7QX Proposal: Adapting partially completed barn conversion from 2no units to single unit including new external windows and doors and rooflights. Applicant: Mrs Pippa French

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Parish Councillors Randall, Sandercock, Daniells and Budge conducted a site visit on Monday 5th September 2022. All Councillors are happy to support this application with Cllr R Randall proposing, Councillor S Sandercock seconding. All Councillors are in favour.

PA22/07252 Location: Sorrento Road From Penhole Road To Trefrize Lane Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: Application for Non-Material Amendment to PA22/02709 for the Erection of two dwellings namely 1) Complete the development in 3 Phases. Applicant: Mr S Sobczak

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council hold no objections to this amended application.

PA22/05823 Location: Trebartha Cottage Road From Newhams Lane To Castlek Lane North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PD Proposal: Listed building consent for recover roof and undertake masonry repairs Applicant: Trebartha Estate Ltd

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council hold no objections for these works to be carried out.

PA22/03568 Location: An Skyber Road From Cockerels Rest To Mill Lane Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NW Proposal: Proposed conversion of detached garage/store to self-contained annexe for dependant relative Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Walker

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council carried out a site meeting on Friday 6th May, and discussions took place at the Parish Council meeting on Monday 9th May 2022. Councillors are happy to support this application and proposed 1st Cllr M Stephens 2nd Cllr R Randall with Cllrs Budge, Sandercock, Maher and Walters in favour. Cllr Daniells voted against, Cllrs Ruby and Parsons abstained.

PA22/03147 Location: The Stables North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PQ Proposal: Proposed conversion of redundant stables for use as a one bedroom residential dwelling. Applicant: Mr & Mrs N Horsley

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Parish councillors made a site visit and considered the application at the PCM on 11/7/22. They were of the opinion that this is not a redundant building, was not in keeping with the surrounding built form and not in the traditional Cornish style, it was not considered appropriate to retain and does not enhance the immediate setting. In addition, there is no infrastructure or services to support the development and it will not promote sustainable travel or limit future car use and therefore does not comply with Housing Policy H3 of the North Hill Neighbourhood Development Plan, Policy 7 of Cornwall County Council Local Plan or the National Planning Policy Statement paras 80 and 124. Councillors voted 5 - 0 to reject the application with 2 deciding to abstain.

PA22/02709 Location: Sorrento Road From Penhole Road To Trefrize Lane Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: Erection of two, four bedroom properties with integral garaging to the east of the existing bungalow. Applicant: Mr S Sobczak

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : A site meeting was carried out on Friday 6th May and met with the proprietor. Councillors are happy to support this development with Cllr S Maher 1st Proposed Cllr D Daniells 2nd with all Councillors Budge, Randall, Hudson, Stephens and Walters in favour of supporting. Councillors Sandercock, Ruby and Parsons did not attend.

PA22/01097 Location: Newhams Newhams Lane North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NH Proposal: Formation of access track to serve approved agricultural dwelling from existing access Applicant: Mr I Scott

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Councillors DD, MS, SS, SM and MB have no issues with this application and are happy to support.

PA22/00855 Location: Mill House Mill Lane Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NW Proposal: Minor revisions to planning permission no. PA10/06968 (construction of book storage building) including the partial use of timber cladding to two elevations and increasing the width of the footprint by 500mm without compliance with Condition 2 of decision notice PA11/10768 dated 14.02.2012. Applicant: Mr T Loe

North Hill Parish Council discussed this application at the meeting on 14 Feb 2022 and subsequently arranged a site visit. North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application and wish to make the following comments: Balcony - Councillors wish this to be removed as it is not "in keeping" with the Grade II Listed Building status and as this is a Book Store it is not needed. Cladding - Councillors would like to suggest the use of Larch Wood not an Oak. Larch Wood is more suitable and is in keeping with the Bat House which Larch Wood has already been used. Slates - Councillors would like it noted that they are very happy with the change of Slates being used, Rag Slates are a far better option. Councillors are also impressed with the windows throughout the building, being well positioned and being kept to the original sizes. Councillors MS, SM, DD, MB and SS support this application but wish for the above proposals to be met.

PA22/00602 Location: 3 Blacksmiths Meadow Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7FF Proposal: Proposed extension and remodelling Applicant: Mr Gubbin and Miss Staples

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council have reviewed and discussed this application and feel the proposed extension and remodelling is in keeping with the rest of the development and is not over looking or affecting neighbouring properties. Therefore, the Parish Council holds no objections and supports this application.

PA21/11465 Location: Trelinden Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: Works to trees protected to TPO, works include T4 - Non- native Turkey Oak - T4 to be felled due to suppression of T3 (Native Beech), T5 (Native Oak) and Traditional hedge. Applicant: Mr A Mogford

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Councillors reviewed this application and are happy to support for the health of the trees. However, Cllr Maher wishes it to be noted "If within the felling process damage occurs, pruning works are carried out to TPO standard. Proposed 1st Cllr S Maher 2nd Cllr S Sandercock with all Councillors in favour. Cllr Ruby abstained.

PA21/10932 Location: Land East Of Moorview Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: Proposed residential development of four dwelling houses with garages/car parking Applicant: Mr B Scoble

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Councillors of North Hill Parish Council attended a Site Visit on Saturday 4th December to view the proposed site of 4 dwellings.Although this site is outside the 30mph area of Coads Green it is in a development area already being used with septic tank in situ.Councillors are happy to support this application with Cllr S Sandercock proposing Cllr R Hudson 2nd, Councillors Budge and Stephens in favour.Cllr Randall is opposed as this does not meet the criteria of the Development Plan, H1 and the Parish Council has already met the development needs of dwellings within the Parish.

PA21/09812 Location: Kingbeare Barn North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NT Proposal: Conversion of existing barn into a holiday let Applicant: Mr M Jefferies

North Hill Parish Council submitted a further consultee comment on 14 Feb 2022: The Parish Councillors Sandercock, Walters, Hudson and Stephens made a site visit on Saturday 12th February. On discussing the application with the owner it has come to light the the East and West Elevations drawings have caused confusion. With this information Councillors have attended the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 14th February and have stated there are no issues with Barn Conversion overlooking neighbouring properties. Therefore the Parish Councillors are in favour of support this application and hold no objections.

North Hill Parish Council submitted the following consultee comment on 14 Dec 2021: Cllr M Budge Declared an interest in this application and left the room. The meeting was then chaired by Cllr Randall, Vice Chairman.Councillors discussed this application and wish to make the following comment:Councillors object to this application on the grounds of privacy, the West Elevation indicates large windows and overlooks the neighbouring property." Proposed 1st Cllr D Daniells 2nd Cllr M Stephens with all Councillors in favour to object. Cllrs Parsons and Ruby abstained.

PA21/09756 Location: Victory Hall Lynher Close North Hill Launceston PL15 7PQ Proposal: Change of use of land to graveyard Applicant: Mrs A Jones

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council of North Hill are unable to comment as they have submitted this application. However, the Parish Councillors would like to amend the following, The Parish Council are requesting "Change of use to a Cemetery" as it will be ran by the Parish Council and not by the Church.

PA21/08872 Location: Land South Of Blacksmiths Meadow Penhole Road Coads Green Launceston Cornwall Proposal: Outline application with all matters reserved for affordable led residential development of up to four dwellings Applicant: Mr C K Gubbin

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council have reviewed this application during the meeting held on Monday 8th November 2021. Councillors voted as follows: Cllr M Budge, R Hudson support application proposed by Cllr S Sandercock and 2nd S Maher. Cllr A Parsons abstained. Cllr C Walters abstained. Cllr B Ruby abstained. Cllr R Randall opposed as the development does not comply with clause H1 of North Hill Development Plan. Application is supported.

PA21/08515 Location: Ring O Bells Glubhole Lane North Hill Launceston PL15 7PQ Proposal: Application for Listed Building Consent for Replacement of windows Applicant: Mr Paul Jones

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Councillors of North Hill Parish Council hold no objections to the works to be carried out on this development.

PA21/07073 Location: Liberty Barn Newtown Road Congdons Shop Launceston PL15 7LS Proposal: Single storey, one bedroom holiday cottage Applicant: Mr & Mrs Souter

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors attended a site visit to view the proposed area for development. Councillors discussed this application and questions were answered kindly by the proprietor.Councillors are happy to support this application proposed 1st Cllr R Hudson 2nd Cllr M Stephens with Cllr S Maher, Cllr R Randall and Cllr M Budge. Cllr D Daniells opposed to the application. Cllr A Parsons and Cllr Ruby did not attend.

PA21/06947 Location: Land West Of Landreyne Manor Penhole Road Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LZ Proposal: Reserved matters application following outline approval PA20/10240 for the provision of an agricultural workers dwelling with all matters reserved Applicant: Mr J Goodman

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment :The Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application and hold no objections to the proposed development. Cllr B Ruby abstained as he does not believe that Cornwall Council takes notice of Parish Council comments. However, it was proposed 1st Cllr S Sandercock 2nd Cllr R Randall with Councillors Walters, Parsons, Stephens and Budge supporting.

PA21/06576 Location: The Bull Pen Tolcarne Road North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PE Proposal: Conversion of traditional building to Use Class C3 residential Applicant: Mr & Mrs Robson

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comments : 24 August 2021 The Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application and all Councillors are happy to support. Proposed 1st Cllr D Daniells 2nd Cllr S Maher.14 December 2021 Councillors have reviewed this application and happy to support. Proposed 1st Cllr M Stephens 2nd Cllr R Hudson with all Councillors in favour. Cllrs Parsons and Ruby abstained.

PA21/06185 Location: Battens North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NU Proposal: Application for non material amendment following grant of planning permission PA19/07380 dated 20 January 2020 Applicant: Miss H S Griffiths

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application at the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 9th August 2021 and are happy to support.

PA21/06173 Location: Sorrento Road From Penhole Road To Trefrize Lane Coads Green Launceston PL15 7LY Proposal: Erection of five new 4 bedroom detached dwellings with associated garages following demolition of the existing dwelling and outbuildings. Applicant: Mr S Sobczak

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors made a site visit on Tuesday 3rd August to view and discuss this application. Councillors are happy with the proposed development and the detailed layout. Councillors also like that the Developer is working with several agencies to achieve a net gain of biodiversity. Proposed 1st Cllr Randall 2nd Cllr M Stephens with all Councillors in favour. Cllr A Parsons abstained from vote.

PA21/05987 Location: Troutbeck Lynher Lane Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NW Proposal: Proposed loft extension and remodelling. Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Radbourne

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : Councillors have reviewed this application and proposed to support by Cllr R Randall seconded by Cllr J Bungay with also Cllrs R Hudson, Cllrs M Stephens, Cllr Maher and Cllr Budge in favour. Cllrs D Daniells voted against with Cllr B Ruby and Cllr A Parsons abstaining from a vote.

PA21/05918 Location: Land South East Of Moorfoot Mill Lane Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NW Proposal: New agricultural barn to store farm machinery. Applicant: Mr S Sandercock

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council held a site meeting on Monday 12th July to discuss with residents and the applicant the proposed Barn. Councillors have taken into consideration those whom are against the development and wish to make the following comment.Proposed by Cllr R Randall seconded by Cllr M Stephens with Cllrs R Hudson, Cllr Budge and Cllr Maher in favour to reduce the height of the shed, to store Agricultural Machinery only and to tidy up the area are then happy to support the application. Cllr D Daniells and Cllr Bungay voted against with Cllr B Ruby and Cllr A Parsons abstaining from voting.

PA21/04371Location:Creekside Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NW Proposal: Single storey extension with roof terrace. Applicant: Mr & Mrs P Healey

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application at the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 14th June 2021 and are happy to support.

PA21/04336Location: Trebartha Barton North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PD Proposal: Listed building consent for replacing corrugated sheeting with sized reclaimed natural slate. Applicant: Trebartha Estates Ltd c/o Savills (UK) Ltd

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application at the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 14th June 2021 and are happy to support.

PA21/04173Location: West Castick Farm Castlek Lane North Hill Launceston PL15 7PD Proposal: Listed Building consent for improvements to external drainage including the construction of a retaining wall to the rear and side of the house. Applicant: Trebartha Estates Ltd c/o Savills (UK) Ltd

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application at the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 14th June 2021 and are happy to support.

PA21/04172 Location: West Castick Farm Castlek Lane North Hill Launceston PL15 7PD Proposal: Improvements to external drainage including the construction of a retaining wall to the rear and side of the house. Applicant: Trebartha Estates Ltd c/o Savills (UK) Ltd

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application at the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 14th June 2021 and are happy to support.

PA21/03951Location: Land North East Of Trebartha Barton North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PD Proposal: Application for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved for the construction of a single, detached dwelling for an agricultural worker Applicant: Mr Michael Greet, Trebartha Estates Ltd

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application at the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 14th June 2021 and are happy to support

PA21/03886 Location: South Trewithey Barn North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NH Proposal: Full application for proposed construction of new driveway entrance onto highway for safer access. Applicant: Mrs Amanda Smith

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed this application at the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 14th June 2021 and are happy to support.

PA21/02117 Location: Uphill Farm Bathpool Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NR Proposal: Construction of a general purpose agricultural livestock building and repositioning of existing access track. Applicant: Mr Nigel Gribble

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council have reviewed this application and hold no objections to this development with all Councillors in favour of supporting.

PA20/07741 Location: Pemba Cottage Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LY Proposal: The addition of two bedrooms to be built above the existing lower bedroom on north side of cottage. Applicant: Mr William Medland

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Council have reviewed this application and hold no objections to this development with all Councillors in full support.

PA21/00892 Location: Westaways Trewithey Lane North Hill Launceston PL15 7NH Proposal: Full reduction of outer crown and crown lift to Lime Tree (T1) subject of a Tree Preservation Order Applicant: Mr Benjamin Gallant

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : The Parish Councillors of North Hill Parish Council have reviewed this application and hold no objections to the works which need to be carried out on these trees.

PA20/11434 Location: 17 Lynher Way North Hill Launceston PL15 7PA Proposal: Single storey kitchen extension Applicant: Mr Nigel Hollands

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council held a Zoom Meeting on Monday 18th January 2021 to discuss the above application. All Councillors have reviewed the application are happy to support this development with Cllr M Budge Proposing 1st and Cllr D Daniells 2nd. Councillor A Parsons abstaining. Please Note: Councillors have observed that on the documents submitted, that North is in fact facing South etc.

PA20/10439 Location: Trelinden Road from Newtown Road to B3257 between Lime Tree Way and Tremollett Road Coads Green Launceston PL15 7LY Proposal: Various tree works T1-Lime, T4 Turkey Oak, T6 Turkey Oak. Applicant: Mr Andrew Mogford

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Councillors have reviewed and discussed the works to be carried out on the trees and hold no objections to these being completed.

PA20/10240 Location: Land West Of Landreyne Manor Penhole Road Coads Green Launceston Cornwall PL15 7LZ Proposal: Outline application for the provision of an agricultural workers dwelling with all matters reserved Applicant: Mr James Goodman

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : North Hill Parish Council have reviewed and discussed this application and hold no objections and fully support this development.

PA20/08758 & PA20/09092 Location: Colin Park Bodmin Road Congdons Shop Launceston Cornwall PL15 7PN Proposal: Listed Building Consent: Sunroom, patio and courtyard Applicant: Mr Bart Smith

Councillors had a site visit on Friday 18 December and North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment : There are two applications which have been submitted for development Ref. No: PA20/08758 and PA20/09092 which are identical. The Parish Councillors assume that PA20/08758 is incorrect as it does not refer to the Dwelling as listed. PA20/09092 is Listed Building Consent. Parish Councillors are happy to fully support this development as the materials being used are in keeping with the rest of the property and surrounding area. Proposed 1st Cllr Budge 2nd Cllr M Stephens with all Councillors in attendance in favour.

PA20/07271 Location: Lanoy House Lanoy Road Coads Green Launceston PL15 7LU Proposal: Single-storey Side Extension Applicant: Mr Jenkins & Ms McGinnes

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment: North Hill Parish Council have reviewed and discussed this application during a meeting held on Monday 12th October 2020 via "Zoom". The Parish Councillors have no objections to this development, with all Councillors in favour to support.

PA20/06625 Location: Treswell Farm Bodmin Road Congdons Shop Launceston PL15 7PN Proposal: Listed Building Consent for the Change of use of three agricultural barns to C3 dwellings. Demolition of two pole barns. Provision of forth C3 dwelling on footprint of northern pole barn. Improved site access, amenity space and parking etc Applicant: Dr Bill Collis

North Hill Parish Council has submitted the following consultee comment: The Parish Councillors have no objections to this development and therefore support this application. All Councillors in favour.

PA20/04727Location: Lynher Cottage Middlewood North Hill Launceston Cornwall PL15 7NN Proposal: Construction of dwelling and garage to include associated works. Applicant: Mrs Hewart

First comment dated 10 July 2020 The Parish Councillors of North Hill Parish Council have reviewed this application and wish to make the following comment: Councillors are concerned on a number of issues regarding this application, first being, the entrance and exit to the property, from the road, it is a very narrow part and extremely restricted. Secondly, the proposed dwelling is not in keeping with the surrounding properties. Councillors also believe the property and land has agricultural ties. Therefore, Cllr C Marshall proposed against the development with 2nd Cllr D Daniells, Councillors M Stephens, R Randall and B Ruby in agreement.

Second comment dated 9 March 2021 The Parish Council have reviewed and discussed this application and wish to make the following comment: The Parish Councillors visited this proposed development in June 2020 and held several concerns, on which, majority of Councillors voted to object and did not support this application. Councillors have reviewed the revised application; the proposed development goes against the North Hill Development Plan Item H3. New housing developments or conversions of existing buildings for residential purposes should be in keeping with the surrounding built form in terms of scale, mass and appearance and should normally be in traditional Cornish style where it is in keeping with other buildings in the immediate surrounding area. Where appropriate, new house building and house conversion schemes should adopt energy saving measures, using innovative design and techniques. Councillors would also like to bring it to the attention of Cornwall Council that on the basis of previous applicants' development, was turned down by Cornwall Council as they stipulated that developments should not extend beyond the existing Hamlet settlement. Councillors would also like to state, the members of the public have objected to this development via the Planning Portal. The Parish Councillors wish to know if the Highways Dept attempted to exit the site onto the B3254 or did a 'drive by'? Therefore, the Parish Council do not support this application voted by all Councillors with Cllr Parsons abstaining.

PA20/04468 Location: Tuckers Garage B3257 Between Lime Tree Way And Tremollett Road Coads Green Launceston PL15 7LY Proposal: Outline application with some matters reserved for the redevelopment of garage site, including demolition of existing buildings and construction of 16 dwellings (including 5 affordable dwellings), access, estate road, parking/garaging, landscaping and associated development. Applicant: Mr Andrew Bloomfield

The Parish Councillors of North Hill Parish Council have reviewed the above application and wish to make the following comment: With the proposed 16 houses, 5 Affordable Housing and 11 Open Market, the dwellings are well spaced leaving plenty of room between the properties. It is also believed that some of the properties will be suitable for the elderly, with having bedrooms downstairs. Councillors are keen to support this development, as 2 previous Planning Applications has been submitted over a period of 20 years. Proposed by Cllr Ruby to support the application seconded by Cllr M Budge with all Councillors in favour. Cllr Parsons abstained.

Launceston Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) – Service Update
15 January 2024

I am emailing with an update regarding the start of the upcoming Launceston RTS redevelopment and the impact this will have on the adjacent Launceston HWRC. As you will already be aware, Cornwall’s waste disposal facilities are currently undergoing a programme of redevelopment works, in order to support the new household waste collection services. The next phase of works, commencing on 22nd January 2024, will see the redevelopment of the Launceston Refuse Transfer Station, enabling it to be able to accept increased recycling material(s) and food waste, later in the year.

During these works the Launceston RTS site will be closed, and current waste deliveries will be diverted to other sites. We have been working closely with Suez to ensure that during this period the adjacent HWRC site can remain open, however due to the location of the construction works the site will have a reduced capacity. We have developed contingency plans to help minimise any disruption, and these include:

  • The site will temporarily stop accepting paper, mixed cans and plastics. These items can be put out by residents for collection as part of the kerbside recycling service.
  • The site does not currently accept household DIY waste i.e. soil/rubble, asbestos, plasterboard and tyres. This will not change whilst the construction works are taking place.
  • Containers currently accessed from above, via the walkways, will be moved to the upper yard and accessed via steps. Visitors needing assistance should ask a member of staff upon arrival.
  • Other containers may be moved to make the best use of space.
  • There will be a small reduction in available onsite parking spaces and the potential for queuing during busier times.

During this period we are asking residents to consider the following;

  1. Use the Council’s waste collection and kerbside recycling services wherever you can.
  2. Consider using an alternative HWRC if possible, as the reduced capacity on site may result in longer queues.
  3. Avoid visiting at peak times. The site is usually quieter between 9 and 10am, and 3 and 4pm.
  4. If you are disposing of DIY waste (including tyres) you will need to visit an alternative HWRC site (Saltash 16 miles, Bude 19 miles).

If you have any queries about this temporary change to service, or the redevelopment works, please do not hesitate to contact the waste team through Casework Assist.

Kind regards


Victoria Parker | Assistant Integrated Waste Management Contract Team Leader

Cornwall Council | Regulatory Services

Bodmin Moor International Dark Sky Landscape Scheme
27 September 2022

Councillor Jenny Cruise who is the Chair of the Dark Skies steering committee has supplied the attached PowerPoint presentation and map.

Proposed Parish Cemetery at North Hill
20 April 2021

Two areas have been suggested for the new Parish Cemetery approximately 50 metres long by 21 metres wide. 

A new access from the top carpark will be created if the red area is chosen.

The final decision will be taken after the views of residents have been canvassed.

Position of drains in North Hill parish
31 January 2020