North Hill Parish Council
Welcome to the website organised and maintained by North Hill Parish Council, we hope you find it useful. The objective of the site is to provide information about the activities of the council and relay information and support available from Cornwall County Council.
Recent Additions - Grant applications agreed. Planning decisions for buildings at Trebartha Barton, North Hill, Congdons Shop and Coads Green. Updates to Risk Assessment & Management Financial Regulations, Standing Orders, Asset Register and Grant Awarding Policy published.
Each year North Hill Parish Council Decisions makes grants to organisations and community groups working for the benefit of the community. Grants were agreed at the Council Meeting held on 2 December 2024 and can be viewed by selecting Grants under the Parish Council tab. Planning applications for Trebartha Barton and Potok House, North Hill and prior notices at Tregood Farm and Coads Green were discussed at the Council meeting held on 2 December. To view the councils response to these and previous applications select Notice Board under the Parish Council tab and select Planning Applications. The update to regulations that were agreed at the November meeting can now be viewed by selecting Policies under the Parish Council tab. The latest quarterly planning newsletter from Cornwall County Council is now available at:Planning News for Local Councils and Agents ( Information regarding road closures in the parish this month can be viewed by selecting Notice Board under the Parish Council tab. Information regarding meetings to discuss the re-opening of St Torney's church are given below.
Update on the reopening of St Torney's Church.
The Church of England Church Commissioners have written to North Hill Parish Council with a copy of a draft Pastoral (Church Buildings Disposal) scheme prepared by the Church Commissioners providing for the preservation of the closed church of North Hill St Torney by the Churches Conservation Trust. The Churches Conservation Trust (“the Trust”) shall be responsible for the care and maintenance of the building and both old and new graveyards. The Commissioners have agreed to publish a draft Pastoral (Church Buildings Disposal) Scheme providing for the closed church of North Hill St Torney to be vested in the Churches Conservation Trust (CCT) for care and maintenance. The Commissioners statutory advisors, the Statutory Advisory Committee of the Church Buildings Council (SAC) have indicated in their early advice of 17 December 2018, that St Torney’s is of outstanding quality and of high significance overall and that the church ought to be preserved in the interests of the nation and the Church of England by vesting it in the CCT. The church is richly decorated and has some significant memorials. It is a positive and dominant feature within the street scene and wider landscape. The richness and significance of the church interior means that it would not lend itself to internal subdivision.
UPDATE (26 Sep 2022) - At a recent meeting with the Trust in the church it was revealed that St Torney's has been granted "vested church" status. With Heritage Funding of £365,000 secured, work is expected to commence shortly to prevent water ingress that is damaging the fabric of the building and some of the important monuments. There will be further meetings in the future between the Trust and the local community to plan how to breathe life into the church again.
UPDATE (12 Dec 2022) - It has been announced that two new noticeboards will be erected at the church to inform people about developments and plans for the refurbishment of St Torney's.
UPDATE (24 July 2023) - The Churches Conservation Trust (CCT) organised a lunchtime drop-in session on 30 June to which approximately 50 people attended. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how the church can be used in the future. To share your ideas about how you would like to see the church used once reopened email for a questionnaire. To share your ideas, stories and thoughts on why St Torney's church and North Hill are so special email
UPDATE (13 May 2024) - A re-opening event is planned for later this year. There is a meeting to discuss details in the Old School Inn on 8 June at 7pm and another meeting with the CCT team at St. Torney on Wed. 3 July at 11am.
UPDATE (8 Aug 2024) - We're looking forward to the re-opening celebration at St Torney's on October 19thand hope you can make it. There are lots of exciting plans afoot and we can't wait to welcome you back into the church. We would like everyone who is interested in coming to get all the information about the event and it would also be really helpful for us to get an idea of numbers. If you are already on this mailing list you will automatically be emailed an invite, but if you have friends and family who would like to come please ask them to so they are added to the invite list. Alternatively please let us know you will be coming with (X number of) guests. If you have neighbours in North Hill or local contacts who you think would like to come, again please ask them to get in touch so we can send them updates about the event.
Foodbank Map.
A new interactive map has been launched showing all emergency food support in towns and villages throughout Cornwall.
The new Help with Food map was created in partnership with community organisations and is online now: